Reader Comments - State Farm Says Employees Targets of Katrina Criminal Probe

Reader Comments - State Farm Says Employees Targets of Katrina Criminal Probe: "To protect yourself, Document, Document and Document what you did and were asked to do (corporations routinely destroy and 'can't find' evidence in law suits; small storage devices can get a lot of documents out of the workplace discretely in most cases) and consider Whistle Blower status and protections if it looks like you are being set up.

As for always doing the right thing, whatever you did can be made to appear the opposite by people with the right levers on the right information and power.

Trust no one....

Pleasant dreams... And while dreaming, consider the political events of the last few decades and how your acquiescence to the corruption step by step has led to your being in such a chaotic and unpredictable position....time to wake up and take action."